
Learning hero image graphic

Curriculum Design

at Didsbury CE Primary School

At Didsbury CE, our ethos is Belonging Believing Becoming: where children feel a sense of Belonging to the school and community of Didsbury. In Computing, we take a look into our closest city of Manchester, where Alan Turing, the father of modern computing, went to university. Children are taught to be respectful digital citizens, understanding how their digital footprint can impact their lives both now and in the future. The children are taught about what to do if they are uncomfortable with any online behaviour or material they see.

A broad and balanced curriculum

Children study computing for the equivalent of one hour a week in both key stage one and two. We have always been committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum that is not narrowed in end of key stage years. We passionately believe that the computing curriculum builds upon the skills and knowledge of the core subjects. For example, the computing curriculum gives opportunity for substantial pieces of text to be written, edited and published using various software. The opportunities to research across all subjects are extensive.

How learning is sequenced

Throughout the computing curriculum at Didsbury CE, children are encouraged to be the best they can be, achieving high academic standards, pushing themselves to deepen their knowledge and skill set. The expectations of children across all year groups is that they should maintain the high standard of that produced in the core subjects. We passionately believe that all children regardless of background can reach those high standards. Pupil premium is used to ensure all children fully access the computing curriculum; the PTA also contributes to the computing curriculum, ensuring up-to-date hardware and software is available to all. Inclusion is paramount at Didsbury CE; children with SEN are supported in various ways to suit their needs in order for every child to receive their full curriculum entitlement. This varies from child to child, often by support and the adaptation of resources often including digital devices. We ensure every child is challenged to fulfil their potential.

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Nursery Interactive whiteboard
CD player
2 Paint iPad safety and games Pictograms / data
Beebots iPad drawings
Reception 2Simple
Self portraits
Using paint programmes Interactive whiteboard
Interactive whiteboard
Using 2 Paint
Year 1 Online Safety
Grouping and sorting
Pictograms Lego builders
Maze explorers
Animation Coding Spreadsheets
outside school
Year 2 Effective searching Presenting Ideas Creating pictures
Online safety
Questioning Spreadsheets
Making music
Year 3 Coding Online safety
Branching databases
Email Touch-typing Simulations
Year 4 Writing for different
Effective searching
Online safety
Animation Spreadsheets Coding
Hardware investigators
Making Music
Year 5 Coding Online safety Spreadsheets
Game creator
3D Modelling
Concept maps Word Processing
Year 6 Coding Online safety
(2 calculate)
Text adventures Networks
(MS Excel)
grass background layer