Please ensure that your child arrives promptly for school each day as we feel that it is important to develop good habits of punctuality.
Our school gates open at 8:35am. Children can go straight in to their class.
The school gate closes at 8.45am and the children should be in class by then and ready to learn.
Any child arriving after 8.45am until the register closes at 9.15am will be marked as late.
The school register closes at 9.15am. In line with our Academy Trust attendance policy, children arriving after this will be entered on the register as unauthorised, unless they have a valid reason for their late arrival.
At the end of the school day, all children should be collected from the school playground.
The children in Nursery and Reception are dismissed at 3:00pm.
The children in KS 1 are dismissed at 3:05pm and should be collected from the playground.
The children in KS 2 are dismissed at 3:10pm and should be collected from the playground.
Children are in school for at least 32.5 hours per week.