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Curriculum Design

at Didsbury CE Primary School

We feel that it is important that our children have a strong sense of belonging to our locality and knowing its history.  Didsbury is rich in, especially Victorian, local history and our curriculum is designed so that children have the opportunity to discover how our village developed and changed over time. A little further afield our children have the opportunity to step into the world of Tudor life at the magnificent Bramall Hall, experience the hardships of being a Victorian apprentice at Styal Mill and step back into life in war time Britain at the Stockport Air Raid Shelters.

A broad and balanced curriculum

At Didsbury CE children study history for the equivalent of 45 minutes a week in KS1 and one hour a week in KS2.  We have always been committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum that is not narrowed in end of key stage years and we are proud of the work that is produced in our history lessons.  We passionately believe that the history curriculum should build upon the skills and knowledge of the core subjects.  For example, the history curriculum gives opportunity for high level and substantial pieces of writing that contextualise the skills taught in the English curriculum.


Our Learning Journey in History

Throughout the history curriculum at Didsbury CE there is an expectation of high academic standards and children at Didsbury CE enjoy the opportunity to be historians. The design of the curriculum and the opportunities afforded the children mean that high standard of writing in history is the same as it is in the core subjects.  We passionately believe that all children regardless of background can reach those high standards. Pupil premium is used to ensure that all children have full access to the history curriculum.  For children with SEN, our history curriculum and the resources we use are adapted so that they have the opportunity to receive their full educational entitlement. Our history curriculum is designed so that all may be challenged to fulfil their potential.

Below is an overview outlining the units children will study from Nursery to Year 6. Topics in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are designed to introduce children to key concepts, vocabulary and some skills that underpin the Key Stage 2 curriculum:

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Nursery Who is in your family? How did people travel in the past? (ordering in time) Who is Florence Nightingale? Timeline of a chicken When were we barn? Timeline of a human
Reception Seaside holidays long Birthdays long ago History of the aeroplane     Castles: what were they like as a home?
Year 1   Intrepid explorers: Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong.   Homes in the past
(The Victorians)
  The Great Fire of London
Year 2 The Victorians: what was it like to be a child?     Significant people and events: Arctic explorers (Ernest Shackleton and the Titanic)   Travel and transport through time (Flight)
Year 3     Leisure and entertainment through time (Ancient Greece: Olympics and theatre)   Egyptians: their strengths and why were they such a successful civilisation?
Every day life
Egyptians: their legacy and the end of a civilisation.
Year 4 Tudors: The impact of a
Tudors: life in Tudor England.   Communication through time    
Year 5 Victorians (Local area study) Victorians (change within an era
and the impacts)
  Medicine and disease through time    
Year 6 World War II: causes
and impact
World War I: everyday life and how people were affected   Crime and punishment through time    
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