Pupils at Didsbury CE Primary School


We always want to try and work in partnership with our parents. One of the simple ways in which you can support your child's progress in school is by helping your child with their homework.

We know that pupils learn best when they practise. Homework is always linked to what children are currently learning in school and we know that reminding children of key knowledge after a few days or even just hours after it has been introduced to them helps them to remember substantially more. Homework is also a good opportunity to practise skills that will be important for future learning. Homework should not be onerous and should be completed in short but focussed periods.

Supporting your children with reading and writing is primarily done through reading with your child, asking them questions about the text and pictures and helping them edit their writing, ensuring that work is correctly punctuated and spelt. From Reception, children will begin to receive weekly reading books.

As maths may be taught using different techniques and methods to those we learnt at school, we have created a support booklet, to support you in this role, which can be downlaoded at the bottom fo this page. We hope you find it useful.

From Year 1 onwards, the following homework is set weekly:

Key Stage 1

Reading Spelling Shed Numbots

We encourage children to read daily at home. Children will receive 3 weekly reading books: one linked to their stage in Phonics to reinforce the sounds learned that week, one book to support wider vocabulary and another online phonics book accessed via Oxford Owl. Children also visit the library once a week to have more free choice and encourage reading for pleasure.

Spelling Shed is an online platform with spelling tasks and games linked to the spelling rules being learned that week.

Children will have their own login and are expected to complete the challenges set each week. 

Numbots is an online platform designed to support the ‘triple win’ of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction.

Maths activities are set on Numbots weekly and these activities will always support the learning currently going on in class.


Homework logos

Key Stage 2

Reading Spelling Shed Times Table Rock Stars Mathletics
Children in Years 3 to 6 are encouraged to read daily. From Year 3 onwards, children will receive weekly reading books at a level appropriate to their current reading ability. These levels are monitored regularly. Children in Year 5 & 6 receive a ‘Directed Reading’ book: we have invested in high quality texts written by a diverse range of authors. Progress in these books are checked weekly.

Spelling Shed is an online platform with spelling tasks and games linked to the spelling rules being learned that week.

Children will have their own login and are expected to complete this weekly.

Times Table Rock Stars is an online platform for Years 3 & 4.

Children compete in tournaments in a fun, engaging way that consolidates their multiplication knowledge and supports quick recall.

In Years 5 & 6, children will have access to Mathletics which replaces Times Table Rock Stars for weekly maths homework. 

Mathletics aligns fully with our curriculum and provides fun, engaging ways to reinforce the learning going on in school

Quizzing & using the resources on this website

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers

Under the learning tab, you can find knowledge organisers for every subject. These provide a brief summary of the knowledge that children are expected to acquire over the course of a particular topic. The knowledge organisers contain key vocabulary as well as some key facts. These are ideal to incorporate into the quizzing activities below:

  • Question and Answer
  • True or False
  • Read, cover, write, check

Question & Answer

Question & Answer

A regular refresher of key knowledge, simply by asking questions such as ‘What does the word democracy mean?’ is an effective way of developing a child’s understanding of knowledge and securing in long term memory. A quick quiz at home will help pupils remember key terminology they have been studying.

True or False

True or False

Playing a game of true or false provides children with a chance to assess their comprehension of the vocabulary they're learning. Especially in the early stages of acquiring new vocabulary, children might tend to memorise definitions without fully grasping their meanings. This game effectively evaluates their comprehension of each term since they're required to determine the accuracy of provided definitions. Prompting children to correct any misconceptions further enhances their ability to recall that particular piece of knowledge.

Read, cover, write, check

Read, cover, write, check

Children can learn key information in their knowledge organisers by reading a small section, covering it up, saying the definitions to themselves, writing out those key terms and definitions on paper, then checking to see if they got them right. They can correct any errors then repeat the process.

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