We feel that it is important that our children have a strong sense of belonging to our locality. Manchester has a strong Mathematical and STEM history and it is important that pupils understand the significance of this. Pupils understand how maths has real significance in our day to day lives and how we can be inspired by significant Mathematicians (including those from Manchester) to pursue STEM careers. We aim to help pupils to be proud of this heritage.
A broad and balanced curriculum
At Didsbury CE, children engage in daily maths lessons (time varies by key stage), as well as daily fluency or maths recall sessions. We have always been committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum that is not narrowed in end of key stage years. We facilitate children by developing their mathematics skills via other curriculum areas and cross curricular links (e.g. chronology and dates in history, data handling and time in science, coding and spreadsheets in computing) and promote opportunities for them to engage in opportunities to practise maths and understand maths in a real life context (e.g. 2021 Census and budgeting).