Pupils at Didsbury CE Primary School


Welcome to the Didsbury's Parent Teacher Association where all parents are members and all children benefit.

We have an active parents association who organise many social and fund-raising events throughout the year. It is a great way to get to know other people in the school community. All parents are welcome to participate. Please help us with our fund-raising efforts. The money raised pays for all those extra things which we would otherwise be unable to afford.

Our Purpose

To advance the education and enrich the school experience of pupils at Didsbury CE, ensuring every child has access to the same opportunities.

Through working together as a community;  parents, teachers, carers and children, we will deliver a range of fundraising activities to support the school and advance the education and quality of the children's experience.

All parents, carers, guardians and staff are automatically members of the PTA and are invited to attend all meetings.

The Role of the PTA

  • To provide funding for additional resources and experiences not covered through existing school budgets, and any budget shortfalls;
  • Deliver fundraising activities throughout the year;
  • Communicate to parents relevant information on PTA activities and social events, through PTA class reps, newsletter, noticeboard and website.

Getting in Touch

You can contact the PTA via the school office at office@thrive-dce.com


Our PTA is involved in organising many school events including coffee mornings, discos and seasonal fairs and help to raise much needed funds for our school. In recent times the PTA has funded a new suite of computers, bought a new stage for drama productions and bought a range of equipment for our Reception and Nursery outdoor provision. As well as that, the PTA subsidise the cost of school trips for each class.

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