We feel that it is important that our children have a strong sense of belonging to our locality and knowing the different sporting communities in the local area. At different points throughout the year coaches from local sport groups, such as Didsbury cricket club and the Northern Tennis club, visit school to deliver engaging sessions allowing children to experience a range of activities and be signposted to a community club if they wish to take part further. Children are also given the opportunity to compete in sports day at the local park and children in KS2 are able to attend the lunch time running club also at Didsbury Park. Many of our pupils also compete sport outside of school and as a result our PE curriculum reflects the level of sport on offer in the local area.
At Didsbury CE we also acknowledge that PE enables children to develop a range of values such as which can be reflected in their local communities. As a result, children are also taught about a range of influential athletes, locally, nationally and internationally, who have shown such values in their own lives and communities. This is to inspire and motivate children to use their voice to be active and positive members in their communities.
A broad and balanced curriculum
At Didsbury CE children take part in physical education for the equivalent of 90 minutes per week in KS1 and KS2. We have always been committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum that is not narrowed in end of key stage years. We passionately believe that the PE curriculum builds upon the skills and knowledge of a range of subjects as well as enhance important life skills such as team work and communication. We ensure that each and every lesson children are reflecting upon their learning, carefully thinking through the values of passion, self belief, respect, honesty, determination and team work so that they can continue to grow and flourish in their communities.