Guidance ito help you support your child’s phonics and early reading at home.
Guidance ito help you support your child’s phonics and early reading at home.
Teachers focus on a different spelling rule each week which is shared with parents via Class Dojo. These words can be practised at home and all spelling rules can be practised by children using their login to the Spelling Shed app.
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We use this website in school for resources and games.
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This is a subscription website. We have paid for in school use and the children are familiar with the games on it. Unfortunately, the subscription does not extend to home use, but individual subscriptions are available to purchase at £12 per year. Some games are free to play.
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There are a number of resources available through the BBC website.
KS1 English
Early Years English
Phonics games will help your child to practise sounding out words, which will help them to read.
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