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Curriculum Design

at Didsbury CE Primary School

We are currently involved in a 3-year Erasmus+ project to improve the teaching and learning in MFL. Through this project, we hope to achieve links with the local Spanish community in Manchester, develop strong links with a new school in Spain and work closely with our trust school, Didsbury CE, who have also completed the Erasmus+ project to develop enrichment opportunities for pupils at both schools.

Historically, Didsbury CE has visited local Spanish restaurants where the children have practised using simple greetings and learned the names of the ingredients in Spanish food. The children have also benefited from having a pen pal in Spain to develop their reading and writing skills in Spanish.

A broad and balanced curriculum

In Didsbury CE we teach Spanish as a Modern Foreign Language within a knowledge-engaged curriculum. Spanish is taught as a discreet unit with links to the English curriculum; however, it has also been linked to Art, Geography, Music, PE, Design Technology and Computing.  This provides an opportunity for the children to develop their understanding of Spanish culture as well as their writing, speaking and listening skills. The children have designed a paella dish for a family party in Design Technology, emailed pen-pals to a linked Spanish school and learned about the country during a Europe topic in Geography.

In addition, we hold a biannual Spanish day to celebrate Spanish culture. The children visit all four Key Stage 2 classrooms where they learn something new about Spain. Activities have previously consisted of:

  • Art – Joan Miro artwork including mosaic making and surrealism
  • Geography – Famous Spanish landmarks and maps. Children create posters of the landmarks using the map of the city in which it is located
  • Design Technology – Paella or churros making
  • PE – Spanish sports
  • Speaking and Listening – Opportunities for children to practise their conversation skills on what they have enjoyed about Spanish Day
  • Music – Learning traditional Spanish music and children’s songs.

How Learning is Sequenced

Spanish is taught once a week throughout the year. Each weekly Spanish lesson lasts for approximately 30 minutes.  Primary Languages Netword scheme of work is used to structure and assess Spanish teaching. Resources provided are carefully selected by the class teachers and adapted where necessary to suit the needs of their individual classes. Primary Languages has been selected as it provides high-quality videos, speaking and listening opportunities for learners delivered by native Spanish speakers which is vital for effective language learning.  

To ensure children receive the highest quality Spanish education, we take advantage of regular CPD and staff training provided by Primary Languages as we currently do not have a specialist Spanish teacher at Didsbury CE. Staff are also involved in an ongoing Erasmus+ project to develop their knowledge and confidence in the Spanish language. In turn, the increased confidence in teaching Spanish will dive standards in forward in MFL for all learners.

Spanish is a key part of our timetable and we pride ourselves on the variety of Spanish learning children experience. The design of the curriculum ensures the sequence of Spanish lessons imparts and builds upon previously learned language skills. We believe all children are entitled to study a second language and encourage children to take part in Spanish, regardless of their backgrounds. To achieve this, we provide weekly opportunities in school for language development, including Spanish word of the week (which is published in the weekly newsletter) and regular enrichment through Spanish culture day. Pupil Premium is well-used to ensure those entitled to funding are able to attend trips or receive necessary resources. Similarly, for children with SEND, activities are carefully planned and adapted to the individual needs of the child and appropriate resources or modifications are made to ensure they are able to access the learning. Our MFL curriculum enables all children to develop a second language, experience Spanish culture in the local or wider context and challenges all children to fulfil their potential.

Spanish curriculum topics of study are as follows:

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Key Stage 1

Say ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Afternoon’ in Spanish when doing the register.

Celebration of culture.

Year 3
A New Start Days & Months Animals Numbers up to 15 Fruits & Vegetables Going for a Picnic
Year 4 Welcome to School Places Around Town Describing Family Parts of the Body Jungle Animals Weather
Year 5 Talking about us In the City At the Market Clothes Space Travellers Seaside
Year 6 Numbers to 60 & Time Homes & Houses Sports At the Funfair Café Culture & Restaurants Performance Time
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